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2015 - A solar mill in Patiko

In January 2015 a new project of sustainable economic development was officially started, implemented together with the Ugandan Dero Farmers Association. The project involves the purchase of a mill that will be installed in Patiko, at the headquarters of the Dero Farmers Association, in a new masonry building built specifically to house the mill and store the ground product.
The mill activity will be very useful to produce fish feed and to provide a service to local farmers as there are currently no other mills in the area. This activity will be very useful for the Dero Farmers Association to increase their profits by diversifying their investments.
The type of mill used will be driven primarily by a diesel engine with the ability to also connect an electric motor that will be purchased by the Dero Farmers Association with the first proceeds deriving from the milling activity. The connection of an electric motor will allow to operate the mill with the energy produced by a photovoltaic generator of the "Archimedes" type described in the attached data sheet. This generator was donated by the association "Light and life" founded by Prof. Leonardo Setti of the Faculty of Bologna.
To allow the transport of products to be ground and other related activities of the Dero Farmers Association in November 2014 the ONLUS Peace Now financed the purchase of a double cab pickup.


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