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Projects Presentation

The main vocation of Peace Now is that of "serving concretely the cause of Peace in the world, seeking and offering instruments and contributions to remove the causes and structures of violence and injustice". Therefore, our association aims to design small projects of international cooperation by fulfilling our statutory objectives. In particular, we try to focus on the needs of people living in difficult areas affected by violent conflicts or serious tensions. The projects we support aim to bring these people together and to involve them in the re-building opera of their societies through active participation and solidarity.
Iscr. Registro Volontariato Provinciale P.G. n. 0148028 - 25/10/2001 - C.F. 91176150372
Iscr.Libere Forme Associative Com.Bologna P.G. 2758227/12-22.11.2012
Sede legale: Via Lame, 118 – 40122 Bologna

Sede operativa e SCN: Via del Monte, 5 - 40126 Bologna
Tel. 051.0560651 - Fax. in via di attivazione - E-mail: segreteria@paceadesso.it - FaceBook: Pace Adesso - Peace Now